Wednesday, 11 June 2014


 Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Residing on the southeast coast of the African continent. The country is composed of the Mauritius islands, Rodrigues island, the archipelago Saint Brandon and the Agalega islands.


Most of Mauritius economy comes from the financial, industrial and tourism sectors. About a quarter of the earnings from export come from the sugarcane. The economy of Mauritius has been growing in the past years almost faster that any country in the world and the government system of Mauritius is regarded as one of the most successful democratic model. Now days most of the Mauritius GDP comes from the financial export, mostly the tourism area.
Also a part of the economic sector is made up on the financial services such as offshore banking, insurance and fund management, many international services.


Company registration time and fees in Mauritius varies depending of the company type. The two types of companies most often incorporated in Mauritius are:


Category 1 Global Business License is a license type of a company that is registered in Mauritius if there is a need for any tax purposes or access to any tax treaties that are available.  Time of incorporation for this type of company is from 3 weeks to a month. A local registered office for this company type is a must, also at least 2 local directors and a local secretary. The annual fee is quite larger that for a GBC II company. And so is the usual authorised minimum share capital of 1,000,000 USD, with minimum paid up of 1 USD.


Category 2 Global Business License is a license type of a company that is registered in Mauritius if the company is used as non-resident company for tax gains. Company with this type of license is very similar to British Virgin Islan international business company. Incorporation usually takes around 3 days and there is no need for a local office. The usual authorised share capital is 100,000 USD and minimum paid up of 1 USD. 

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