The economic state of Dominica is considered quite vulnerable, due to the fact that less that 25% of its land is cultivated and its pronged to various natural disasters such as storms and hurricanes. The banana export to the EU also makes a large part of the economic system. Recently, in hopes that the change of export goods may stabilize the economic system, the government has set up laws, to make it more attractive to grow fruits rather than the traditional crops such as coffee and cacao beans and sugar cane. Although the tourism industry has developed slower that in neighbor islands, its still one of the places to be seen.
Short facts
- The official language is English
- The official currency is Eastern Caribbean dollar.
- International business company it the company type that gets incorporated in Dominica, under the International Business Companies Act of year 1996.
- The type of law in place is locally modified English common law.
There are no taxes for the incorporated IBC at least for 20 years.
Incorporation process takes around 2 work days, a local office also must be registered.
A yearly fee must be paid and accounts must be prepared, but not filed.
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